Saturday, August 27, 2016

Entropy Succeeds Where the Ideal Gas Law Fails

The universe is getting bigger and colder. We are told that one day it could suffer a heat death. By contrast, the early universe was smaller and hotter. All this implies an inverse correlation between the universe's average temperature and its size.

We might be tempted to model it with the Ideal Gas equation. We could think of the universe as a big balloon filled with gas. As the volume of the balloon increases, the pressure decreases along with the temperature. Below is the equation (P=pressure; T=temperature; V=volume; R=universal gas constant; n=kilomoles of gas):

Right away the equation bursts our balloon. When volume (V) increases, pressure (P) decreases but the temperature can remain constant. So why isn't our universe the same temperature as it was in its early years? Its volume is increasing; its pressure is decreasing; yet, the temperature isn't remaining constant.

So what's the problem with the Ideal Gas Law? We know that pressure is equivalent to energy density, so let's plug energy density (E/V) into the equation in lieu of pressure (P):

The second equation above reveals the problem: The volume (V) in the denominator cancels the volume in the numerator. Change in volume in this case has no effect on the temperature.

We know that entropy increases as the universe expands. Perhaps lower temperature is a function of increased entropy? Let's take a look at the entropy equations (E=heat or energy; s=change in entropy; T=temperature; k=Boltzmann's constant; omega=number of different arrangements of particles):

If we equate the two equations above, we can derive a temperature equation:

Temperature appears to be a function of energy (E) over the number of ways particles can arrange themselves (omega). Once again, temperature is not a function of volume, but it seems like it should be. We know from experience that a candle can heat up and maintain the temperature of pickle jar, but a candle in an aircraft hanger can be a much colder space.

Let's explore the omega variable and see if we can make it a function of volume. Imagine a single particle with one state in a single space (see first diagram below). In that case, omega equals one. Now double the space. The particle will have two spaces it can occupy (see second diagram below). Omega now equals two.

Entropy has increased due to increased space. We can define omega in the following way:

Below are some examples that include the above diagrams, a coin toss, and dice:

Consider the coin-toss example above. Normally we think of a coin as having two states: heads or tails, so omega equals two, right? Well that's only true if the coin lands on the same spot on your floor because there is no other spot it can land. But suppose you have a big floor and you divide it into a grid of 20 spaces where the coin can land. Omega would then be 2^2 * 20 = 40 states.

Now suppose you have the same floor space, but you now have two coins. Omega becomes 1520 states! We are now ready to put together a temperature equation:

Notice the temperature is now a function of volume because entropy is now a function of volume. If the volume increases, the temperature decreases and so does the pressure (Boyle's Law) if the other omega variables and E are held constant. Remember pressure is E/V. The difference here is that E/V is no longer canceled by V*E/V.

Taking the temperature of the Universe or any other system can be done by this system of equations. The first equation is for systems that have more space than particles. The second is for singularities, high pressure systems, where the energy density is high. The third equation allows you to make a quick-and-dirty calculation. It is similar to the Ideal Gas equation albeit it includes entropy.

1 comment:

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