Friday, August 5, 2016

The Universe Has No Beginning--Really?--A Failed Hypothesis is Resurrected

According to "[t]he universe may have existed forever, according to a new model that applies quantum correction terms to complement Einstein's theory of general relativity." (Click here to read the article by

The universe-existed-forever hypothesis has been thoroughly debunked. I am amazed someone dusted it off and is trying to resurrect it. If the universe existed forever, then anything that is probable has happened already, since an infinite amount of time has passed, but wait! Infinity is not a finite number and it is improper to treat it as such. By its very nature, infinity never ends, so infinite time cannot pass, and the universe has not existed forever.

Even if we were to entertain the notion that the past could somehow stretch back to infinity, then it took an infinite amount of time to get to this moment, but infinity never ends, so this moment isn't here yet. But wait! It is here--so much for the universe-existed-forever hypothesis.

Here is another amusing gem from the article: "These terms keep the universe at a finite size, and therefore give it an infinite age. " Uh oh! I guess there's no Hubble constant or red shift. But wait! There is. The evidence shows the universe is expanding. The "terms" don't trump the evidence.

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