Friday, February 3, 2017

Testing My Dark Matter Hypothesis

According to my hypothesis, dark matter isn't matter at all. This is why I believe Isaac Newton didn't discover it and work it into his famous equation:

Had he known that time, space or spacetime has ground-state (zero-point) energy he might have included a tiny correction term in his equation. Then again, the correction is so small it is insignificant at a local scale--hence the reason his equation works so well at such a scale. A major clue about the nature of so-called dark matter can be found in the following quote:

"When you go out to much larger distances, you encapsulate the galactic halo and a lot more dark matter."--Darin Ragozzine.

Yes, if you go out further into space you find more (cough) dark matter. This makes perfect sense if dark matter isn't matter, but spacetime. According to the theory, dark matter makes up around 85% of all matter. If this is true why the heck aren't we swimming in it? Don't you find it strange that something so plentiful should be so elusive? Here's a crude illustration of how "dark matter" comes into play:

Note the big black dot at the center, and take note of the little dots surrounding it. Let's pretend the big black dot is what we call ordinary, visible matter, and the little dots are dark matter. Within the smaller circle, the big dot accounts for most of the density. The little dots are insignificant within that region. There, Newton's equation works just fine. But when we go out further along radius (r), the little dots make up most of the density--the big dot becomes more and more insignificant.

So clearly this dark matter stuff doesn't make itself known to us at the local scale. It takes a greater region of "space" before we begin to notice its effects. To test my hypothesis, I took Einstein's field equations and did some algebra to put the variables in scalar form and to express them in terms of energy density. Why? Because energy density causes gravity (curved spacetime) and it is easier to find and plug in actual data (which is in scalar form).

At equation 4), we have the sum of two energy densities: spacetime (Ts) and visible matter (Tm). Together they make the total energy density (T). If dark matter is in fact spacetime, then we expect its energy density to be insignificant locally and more significant at large scales. Equation 5) reveals that spacetime's energy density is a very small number. Let's add it to and compare it with earth's energy density:

The above equations would make Newton very happy. Earth's energy density (ED) is huge compared to spacetime's. In fact, spacetime's ED is so insignificant, we can ignore it when determining earth's gravity. But what about the galaxy's gravity?

Ah! The tables have turned! Spacetime's energy density now causes a significant portion of the gravity. There is more than one measurement for our galaxy's energy density, depending on the method and the source. The range I found is what you see at equation 8). Taking this range into account, equation 9) shows that spacetime accounts for approximately ten percent to nearly 100% of the total ED. By contrast, "ordinary matter" constitutes approximately zero to 90% of the total ED. This confirms that spacetime has a huge impact on gravity at galactic scales. Dark matter has been under our noses all along. You can find it in any empty space.

Update: Scientists believe they have discovered a dark matter galaxy. Click here for details.


  1. Brilliant perspective and way of representation.

  2. Absolutely amazing the most brilliant I have ever saw. Thank you so much for sharing your concepts, understanding and insight with us. Briggs G. Mueller
