Wednesday, February 1, 2017

What Dark Matter Really Is

What exactly is dark matter? If you watch the above video, you will be introduced to some strange and bizarre theories involving parallel universes and higher vibrating string octaves. Ordinary matter doesn't explain the amount of gravity observed. It is assumed that galaxy clusters, and the whole universe contain far more matter than can be observed using electromagnetic signals. Such an assumption is based on the theory of General Relativity which propounds that gravity is caused by the presence of matter.

Matter and energy density curve spacetime and spacetime tells matter how to move. Gravitational acceleration (g) is currently understood and defined by the following equations (a=acceleration; t=time; x=distance; r=radius; G=Newton's constant; m=mass; gij=metric tensor; T=stress-energy tensor; v=velocity; gamma=Christoffel symbol):

It is believed that if no matter and/or energy is present, spacetime is flat and there is no gravity. Given this belief, it is not surprising that a theory of dark matter would emerge. There must be something out there responsible for all that extra gravity. But whatever it is, it does not behave like ordinary matter. In fact, it is undetectable--hence the name: dark matter.

As of this writing, no dark matter particle has been conclusively identified. I am going to go out on a limb here and make a prediction: no dark matter particle will ever be discovered. "Dark matter" is not matter at all. Something else is causing the unexplained gravity. Let me illustrate. Let's start with Einstein's field equations:

The left side contains Einstein's tensor (Gii) which is the measure of the spacetime curve. The right side contains the stress-energy tensor (Tii) which measures energy density. When energy density is zero, spacetime curvature is also zero--no gravity. Now let's turn the equation into a constant (c^4: light speed):

In the equation above, any change to the right side has no effect on the left side. Why is this important? You will see. Let's continue:

Take a close look at equation 4) above. The left side is an acceleration term. If time (t') is held constant, then no changes we make on the right side will change the acceleration term. What we have is acceleration that is independent of matter and energy. This is significant; however, we know that gravitational acceleration is not independent of matter and energy--or is it? Let's keep going. We need to define what we mean by time (t'):

Time (t') is time (t) multiplied by a Lorentz factor. We make the substitution in equation 8) above. Since both sides are acceleration terms, we can set the left side equal to gravitational acceleration (g):

According to equation 9), gravitational acceleration is not independent of changes in energy/matter (E). When E increases, so does g and when E decreases, so does g. But what happens if E is zero?

When E is zero, we still have time (t). Equation 11) above is equivalent to dark matter; albeit, it is not matter at all. We set matter to zero, so what is it? It is pure acceleration as a function of time. Gravity is not only caused by the presence of matter, it is also caused by time alone. Matter will contract time and make gravity stronger, but gravity exists even in the absence of matter. To have zero gravity requires an infinite change in time (according to equation 11). We can say with confidence that time intervals, so far, have been finite--so gravity, even in the absence of matter, is greater than zero.

Equation 11) shows that most of the gravity in our universe is caused directly by time. The remainder is indirectly caused by the relatively tiny amount of matter that make up the galaxies.